About WDFloyd

Dave Floyd is an attorney, real estate broker, real estate investor, and trivia host in Austin, Texas. He works with the Foskitt Law Office and is an owner of Floyd Real Estate. He lives in the Zilker Neighborhood, and is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the Washington & Lee University School of Law.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sponsorships: AYLA

I was very pleased to have my company, Prism Risk Management LLC, be included as one of the sponsors for the Austin Young Lawyers' Association holiday party.  This year's event was held at Malverde in downtown Austin.  Malverde is always a good venue for this type of event, and the food from La Condesa was quite popular with the AYLA members.

In addition to enjoying some holiday related good times, AYLA was able to raise a substantial amount of cash to support the annual Holiday Baskets project.  Fundraising was supported in part from a generous matching donation made by The Rubin Law Firm.