About WDFloyd

Dave Floyd is an attorney, real estate broker, real estate investor, and trivia host in Austin, Texas. He works with the Foskitt Law Office and is an owner of Floyd Real Estate. He lives in the Zilker Neighborhood, and is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the Washington & Lee University School of Law.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Frivolities and Amusements

Today, while returning to the world of risk management after a lunch meeting, I ran across the sign pictured to the left.  I'd heard the rumors, and today I saw the evidence: there is indeed a skeeball league here in Austin.  According to the Austin Skeeball League site, there are leagues in Lubbock and College Station.  A Google search revealed that adult skeeball leagues also exist in Philadelphia, DC, and Chicago.

A few weeks ago, while sidelined by some intense cedar fever, I watched the entire first season of Portlandia.  One of my favorite skits featured an adult hide-and-seek game.  My first reaction to this skit was to post on Twitter my observation that we don't have an adult hide-and-seek league here in Austin.  Fortunately, I was quickly messaged by a friend who suggested that we do something like this with a philanthropic twist.  I was interested, but only if there were to be an afterparty with 80's karaoke.